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This page is dedicated to the science, art and passion that goes into the design of vacuum tube audio amplifiers. Though solid-state devices have superseded vacuum tubes for all practical purposes, in this area their positions are still unbeatable. It's not only a charm of a filament shrouded in glass, but also objective characteristics that filament amplifiers provide for producing a surprisingly natural and pleasant sound.
The technologies of manufacturing vacuum tubes are outside of our competence. Nevertheless, the application of modern methods of design and analysis are well within an area of our expertise. On this page we shall attempt to create a form for the advancement of engineering competence and showcase for the best achievements of vacuum tube engineering combined with the power of computing and modern measurement equipment.
It is well known that changing activity is the best way to relax. Sometimes in the evening, it is surprisingly pleasant to put aside a high-tech PC, turn-on an old-fashioned vacuum tube audio, and sink into the world of slow and bulky devices.
Therefore, read the texts, change for retro, try the vacuum tubes, and enjoy.