GlassWare Audio
- An excellent site promoting the vacuum tube based amplifiers.
Here you can find some basics of vacuum tube scheming theory,
and a considerable list of old and very interesting books describing
how to develop the Hi-End amplifiers.
- This is the site to be visited first of all when searching for Data Sheets (in Russian)
of "Made in USSR" vacuum tubes.
- Integrated simulator - I-SPICE. This site contains a description of an integrated simulator
program I-SPICE, and lots of useful newsletters on SPICE modeling.
Duncan's Amp Pages
- This is an excellent site containing lots of vacuum tube simulation models, tube Data Sheets, and links.
- This personal site contains the author's articles on SPICE vacuum tube simulation modeling and SPICE parameters defining.
ALL SPICE Stuff - This site contains all information about SPICE.
MICRO-CAP - A trial version of this program is available free for download.